Victorian Primary Care Partnership
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Translated resource for growing vegetables / food from home. Resources developed in plain language. This initiative promotes health and climate change co-benefits and aimed to encourage gardening amongst CALD communities but also applicable to whole of population. Campaign launched during the pandemic.
Translated resource for growing vegetables / food from home. Resources developed in plain language. This initiative promotes health and climate change co-benefits and aimed to encourage gardening amongst CALD communities but also applicable to whole of population. Campaign launched during the pandemic.
Translated resource for growing vegetables / food from home. Resources developed in plain language. This initiative promotes health and climate change co-benefits and aimed to encourage gardening amongst CALD communities but also applicable to whole of population. Campaign launched during the pandemic.
The Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment Service (IDEAS) is an award-winning partnership model adopting a wholistic approach to people with Type 2 Diabetes. The service is provided by community health services in partnership with Eastern Health across the Eastern Metropolitan Region. Embracing a multi-disciplinary approach, IDEAS represents an alternative to traditional models of outpatient support, with the creation of dedicated pathways into community health services. IDEAS enabled participants to codesign and direct their health journey, improving participants self-care activities and management of their Type 2 diabetes. Related resource - Case Study and Poster
The Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment Service (IDEAS) is an award-winning partnership model adopting a wholistic approach to people with Type 2 Diabetes. The service is provided by community health services in partnership with Eastern Health across the Eastern Metropolitan Region. Embracing a multi-disciplinary approach, IDEAS represents an alternative to traditional models of outpatient support, with the creation of dedicated pathways into community health services. IDEAS enabled participants to codesign and direct their health journey, improving participants self-care activities and management of their Type 2 diabetes. Related resource - Evaluation Study Summary and Poster