Victorian Primary Care Partnership
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Our3021 aims to improve the health, wellbeing and social connectedness of communities in the west. The project engaged with community members who self-identified as leaders. These leaders went on to develop small-scale projects with the support of Our3021 staff. The Our3021 project was externally evaluated. The resulting thematic analysis of each year of the project evaluation helped show the effectiveness of the project’s partnership model and the impacts on the health and wellbeing of individuals involved in the project.
A survey of IEPCP partners and codesign & consumer particfpation support needs
A step by step guide for planning, implementing and reporting on your organisations’ chronic care professional development needs by assessing strengths and opportunities.
The iCOPE program provides access to perinatal screening for pregnant women in the outer north especially mothers from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.
Infographic: Care and Recovery Coordination in Inner & Outer Eastern Melborne