Victorian Primary Care Partnership
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Health and Wellbeing dataset compiled 2016-17
A framework to guide collaborative planning in health and wellbeing in the East metro region of Melbourne
The National Strategy for Disaster Resilience acknowledges that non-government and community organisations are at the forefront of strengthening disaster resilience in Australia. The work of these organisations can be crucial to help communities prepare, cope with and recover from disasters. Priorities of the Strategy emphasise the role of partnerships and networks based on shared responsibility, coordinated planning and response. Enhancing Networks for Resilience (EN4) is a comprehensive study of the Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership (SGGPCP) using social network analysis to investigate how the networks contribute to disaster resilience.
This resource contains information for organisations to consider when establishing a phone wellbeing check-in service underpinned by service provision and coordination, managing staff and volunteers and project planning.
The National Strategy for Disaster Resilience (NSDR) recognises that the strength of partnerships and networks in the non-government and community sector are fundamental for enhancing disaster resilience (COAG 2011). Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership (SGGPCP), in collaboration with RMIT University, therefore sought to examine how networks developed through SGGPCP might contribute to disaster resilience outcomes, specifically disaster preparedness.