Victorian Primary Care Partnership
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Coronavirus: Information and key health and wellbeing contacts
Slides from the IEPCP Anti Agesim forum 2019 with speaketrs including Ashton Applewhite
AnIEPCP infographic to support action toward a healthy food environment across the City of Whitehorse
An IEPCP infographic to support action toward a healthy food environment across the City of Monash
Findings from the Australian Early Development Census demonstrated that the proportion of children identified as being developmentally vulnerable in Melbourne’s west is increasing, in contrast to Victoria as a whole. The Pathways for Children with Developmental Delays project was created to address this increasing need. HealthWest led a process of in-depth consultation with local service providers, referrers and other stakeholders to identify system challenges. The Referral Decision Aid was launched online November 2017. An evaluation of the Referral Decision Aid was undertaken in July-August 2018 which focused on the reach, usability, effectiveness and outcomes of the Referral Decision Aid.