Victorian Primary Care Partnership

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Healthy Choices Community of Practices July 2019

2015 – 2022 | Outer East | North East Metro

The Outer East and Inner East Primary Care Partnerships held two Healthy Choices Community of Practice (CoP) in 2019. These events were an opportunity for health promotion practitioners working to promote healthy eating in the Eastern Region to come together and hear from guest speakers, undertake a mapping exercise of local projects and identify opportunities for future collaboration. These presentation slides are from the CoP held in July 2019.

Healthy Choices Community of Practices December 2019

2015 – 2022 | Outer East | North East Metro

The Outer East and Inner East Primary Care Partnerships held two Healthy Choices Community of Practice (CoP) in 2019. These events were an opportunity for health promotion practitioners working to promote healthy eating in the Eastern Region to come together and hear from guest speakers, undertake a mapping exercise of local projects and identify opportunities for future collaboration. These presentation slides are from the CoP held in December 2019.

2021 HotSpots Poster Resource

2015 – 2022 | Enliven | North East Metro

Heat health poster

INFANT resource

2015 – 2022 | Outer East | North East Metro

Infant Feeding, Active play and Nutrition (INFANT) was developed by researchers within the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) at Deakin University. INFANT provides parents and carers with children between 3-18 months old with information about healthy eating and active play from the start of life. The OEPCP prepared a summary of some of the experiences of local health organisations implementing the INFANT program, and outlines benefits and considerations for implementation.

Healthy Eating Active Living in Yarra Ranges

2015 – 2022 | Outer East | North East Metro

With the support of the OEPCP, the HAL Group (Healthy Eating Active Living) in the Yarra Ranges was established in 2018 with members collaborating on local food and physical activity projects. In 2020 the HAL Group transitioned to a more strategic integrated structure called the Health Planning Partnership (HPP) overseeing three priority working groups: Yarra Ranges Food Connections Group, Outer East Physical Activity Working Group and Yarra Ranges Gender Equity Working Group. The new structure and plan formalised the collaborative commitment and shared health and wellbeing direction and priorities for all partnering organisations.