Victorian Primary Care Partnership

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Service Coordination Good Practice Guide

2010 – 2015 | VicPCP | VicPCP

This guide is one of a set of four publications designed to support the implementation of service coordination in Victoria. It summarises the key elements of good practice in service coordination.

Service Coordination Practice Manual

2010 – 2015 | VicPCP | VicPCP

The Victorian Service Coordination Practice Manual (VSCPM) and associated resources have been designed for managers and service providers involved in the implementation of service coordination

Navigating Health and Social Service Reform

2015 – 2022 | VicPCP | VicPCP

This document was prepared by Loddon Mallee PCP region in conjunction with VCOSS, with funding from VicPCP and Loddon Mallee region to support local organisations navigate the ever changing health and social service landscape, while retaining high quality, safe, person centred and evidence based services, which meet the needs of their local community.

PCPs what we do infographic

2015 – 2022 | VicPCP | VicPCP

Developed as part of VicPCP advocacy program, this document describes what PCPs do and the benefits for local communities

Vic PCP statement of purpose LE TOR

2015 – 2022 | VicPCP | VicPCP

This document outlines the role and purpose of VicPCP including the Terms of Reference for the VicPCP Leadership Executive